Sunday, June 8, 2008

Lynda Barry, Shiva & Kali

In between days of painting I went to see Lynda Barry at the NYC Cantor Film Center. I'm a big fan of her work but have never heard her speak. I didn't realize that I was going to be laughing so hard I would cry. One guy in the audience began to slide out of his seat. She was amazingly perceptive about making art and its biological purpose, the nature of memory and how we react to what we think is real but know isn't.
I then decided to read her book Cruddy which is the only one I have that I hadn't read. It's a full out horror story. Who knew. It smells of rotting meat, train tracks and youth.
She's great.

In the studio Shiva and Kali are still dancing, and I'm still chasing them with a brush...


James Robert Smith said...

I was not familiar with CRUDDY. I'll nab a copy. Thanks for the recommendation.

James Robert Smith said...

My copy of CRUDDY came while I was on vacation. I'll crack the covers tomorrow.

Dr. Bairavee Balasubramaniam, PhD. said...

Beautiful image <3