Sunday, June 22, 2008

I forgot!

Clearly, mainlining foliage for several days is not conducive to hindsight reconstruction. I remember that I did go out more than once yesterday. I went up Broadway and into Pearl River where I found these shoes awaiting me. Very sparkly. I might even wear them. I might even paint them.


Anonymous said...

My wife buys wonderful pairs of shoes and then considers whether to actually wear them. Some shoes she never wears, but I understand that having a choice is a large part of it--the wearing, I mean. You understand.

I have had one pair of shoes for ten years. What's up with those single sneakers by the side of the road you see all the time.

James Robert Smith said...

Finished CRUDDY. I stayed up way too late reading it. One of the best books I've read in months. Thanks for the rec.

(Appropriately, I think it was the eye strain that brought on a migraine the following day.)