Monday, August 5, 2013

NYC August morning

There is a lick of cool in the air, and although it's only the beginning of August I can taste the end of summer before it exhales its last great breath of heat over us.  Since there were those several weeks of truly grim weather--this is a joy, only slightly flavored with the melancholy of change.
I've been working on my new website Wolff Land.  There will be a video sometime, hopefully soon.  Spent a Sunday working with director and camera person which was wonderful.  I hadn't know that you could use a camera lens like a brush.  I liked being directed.  It allowed me to just surf on ideas and images and not think too hard about structure. They even filmed me painting, which at first I was reluctant to do, but the minute I started fooling with colors on a surface the camera didn't seem too important.
All is in flux and I'm almost four weeks five weeks through my six week Intensive Chinese class.  My brain daily takes in a huge amount of information and daily rejects some.  It will be interesting to see what remains when the tide of intensive recedes.


James Robert Smith said...

The new site is very nice!

James Robert Smith said...

The new site is quite good!